woensdag 25 september 2013

Abunai 2013

As you may have noticed I didn't upload much on the progress of my May cosplay. It was really stressful and even on the convention itself it wasn't finished yet. We brought our sewing machine with us together with the hot glue gun and other tools we needed. On Friday morning on the convention I finally finished my cosplay. Anchor was already done at home and my dad brought it on Thursday evening. On Friday evening the Cosplay Fashion Show started and I entered the competition. It was fun, but also really stressful as the crew didn't had the right music of my act. Lucky enough I had my laptop with me with the correct music on it. They should be happy about it or I would have shouted at them and maybe even quit the show. Any way, I still had a rehearsal. During the rehearsal my breastplate fell of on one side. I pinned it to my costume with a brooch pin and that pin just broke of. Only thing I could do at that moment (as I had only 20 minutes left until the actual start of the show) was to do a quick fix with white duck-tape. I was so happy it stayed on my costume and didn't fell of during the actual show! Every contestant was awesome. They all had amazing cosplays. I loved it and I think I will join another Fashion Show again, but maybe with a cosplay I already made and still love or a cosplay that doesn't need that much time. For an impression on the show and my cosplay, here are some photos:

That was just the Friday. It was a lot of fun in the end. I got out of my cosplay as it was warm and the anchor was pretty heavy! On Saturday we had lots of things to do as well. I had a couple of photoshoots with other cosplayers. I'm also a photographer so I do the shooting. I really liked it and the cosplayers were great and had funny ideas for photos. In the evening there were a couple of Cosplay Panels with Kelly and Sam from the UK. It was really interesting and a lot of fun. Learned some new things about cosplay, make-up and acts. We wanted to go to the disco as well, but turned out some of our friends didn't want to go and that made things less fun. Next year we are going to try it again! On Sunday was a more relaxing day. I had one last photoshoot with some friends. After that I got back to my sis as she did the Yakitate! Abunai workshop together with Robin. She and Robin teach the visitors how to bake a Melon Pan (Melon bread). After that I got to the Abunai! Feedback Panel as they still can use some positive feedback on how to do things differently or improve other things. It was, again, interesting. Around 15:00 we decided to go the dealerroom as my sis bought a lasso for her Applejack cosplay. We still had to pick that up, so we did and we brought it to our room. After that we went to the Ending Ceremony. That's the last show that happens on the mainstage. After that Abunai! ends. That's it. Done. It was a great weekend again. We stayed there from Thursday until Monday instead of the usual three days. We did that last year as well and it was so....relaxing and fun to be there one day before and one day after. You see a convention when there are no people and everything still has to be set up and such. It's so weird but fun at the same time :) Well, next year a new Abunai. We already planned out new cosplays. For my sis again a secret one and for me it will be Index from To Aru Majutsu no Index, but first MGC Experience, Nishicon, Tsunacon, Animecon and Elf Fantasy Fair.